Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mobile Phones

If you happen to go to work by bus, you often see sleepy people who are reading their magazines or books, or who are trying to memorize words… Twenty years ago, the situation was almost the same. However, there is a huge difference: today, at least twenty percent of these people are holding their mobile phones, and they are talking to someone. The most frequent questions are: “Where are you?”, “What’s up?” It would be interesting to analyze these conversations and the topics themselves. People tend to talk about their personal feelings and emotions, they are telling their secrets, and so on. We may often feel uncomfortable when we are sitting in front of this person, but this is not enough. It may also happen that the person asks, “Why are you listening to me?” Well, you are just trying to get to your workplace, and he was the one who was shouring. I wonder how people could survive without mobile phones…

Extreme Sports

Extreme sports are becoming more and more popular today. Viewpoints differ, as different people regard different things extreme. There are some people who believe that even running can be an extreme sport, but some may believe that bungee jumping is a simple everyday activity.

Extreme sports are certain activities with a high level of inherent danger. The keyword is danger here. It is always the person who decides if he or she wants to jeopardize his or her life, but it is crucial to consider other people, as well. In my opinion, a family man or a mother cannot do such things on his or her responsibility. Extreme sports might be really enjoyable, but only within the pale of reason.


Sleeping is a crucial problem in our lives. It can lead to serious consequences if one does not sleep well. However, many people do not get the right amount of sleep, as in our society, sleep seems like a luxury, not a need. But this is simply not true.

Many of us want to sleep as little as possible; university students are mainly affected by this problem… They tend to think that it is more important to have a party instead of having a rest, and they believe night is the appropriate time for learning. To be honest, this is what I do… Nevertheless, it has to be emphasized that sleep is not a waste of time.

There are many negative effects (such as depression, feeling moody or irritated), and most of them are very well-known. The problem is that these harmful effects can not only be connected to the nervous system (which is a big trouble in itself). If we do not sleep enough, our immune system becomes weak, and we are more likely to get an infection or a disease. In addition, many hormones are released during sleep. Furthermore, people are more likely to put on fat if they do not get the right amount of sleep.

Well, try the Sheep Dash test…

Walk your Dog, Meet other People

There are numerous ways of getting to know other people. Walking your dog is just one simple way of them. However, it is a kind of funny one…

First of all, at fist, you do not even know the other person’s name, but you know the dog’s, you know what the dog eats, how the dog behaves, and what the dog’s favorite activity is. After a while, you know how the owner is called, but it can also happen that you meet every day, talk to each other for two at least hours, but you are still not familiar with the owner’s name. You are talking about several topics, but these topics are quite different from the ones you are talking about with your colleague. The only common thing can be the weather. However, you enjoy this informality, and you realize that you are more direct, even though, you do not know how the other person is called.

Nevertheless, this strange process may have various advantages. Firstly, it is a good way of looking for a boyfriend or a girlfriend, even if you are a shy person. The reason for this is that it is not a problem if you accost the owner of the dog your puppy is playing with. You cannot just stand in front of each other; you have to chat. So many similar situations have resulted in marriages… (Just consider 101 Dalmatians…) In addition, it is possible to become friends with somebody. Many people often realize that they are sharing their secrets with the owner of “XY.” Furthermore, you may get to know your future business partner this way.

Thus, walking your dog is not only good because it is a good way of loosing weight, but it can also be “the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Money, the Basis of Healthy Lifestyle

The term healthy lifestyle cannot be defined easily. From one point of view, healthy lifestyle is a way of living everybody is out for. According to many websites, however, a healthy person does not smoke, is at healthy weight, eats healthy, and exercises. These websites offer various ideas, and talk about easy steps one has to take. Thus, people usually know what they should do, and they can advise many beneficial things to their friends or relatives.

One of the biggest problems is said to be the lack of activity. It is true that many people do not have money to go to the gym, but they can walk their dogs, which is also very advantageous. Eating a healthy diet is another part of healthy lifestyle. The difficulties start here. The first step is to count calories, but people are usually not able to do that because it takes a lot of time and energy. It is also important to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. It has to be emphasized, however, that not all of them are satisfactory for our current purpose… Usually, only the more expensive ones are good enough. Furthermore, one should not eat pasta or bread, and so on… The problem is that many people, especially in Hungary, just simply cannot afford it. The way I see it, many people would pay more attention to healthy things if they did not have pay more money. It would be interesting to see how these experts would cook a fitness dinner from the money average Hungarian people have.

In conclusion, healthy lifestyle has another definition: it is something that represents one’s status and shows how trendy the person is…

Is Stress a Lifestyle?

People have always had to face serious difficulties in their lives. Thus, stress has always been an important factor. However, stress is said to be a kind of lifestyle today.

One of the reasons for this is that roles in society are changing: many women consider career almost as important as family is. They try to be recognized on various fields of life, and this ambition can become a great challenge for them. In addition, some people want to meet too many requirements. Nevertheless, there are several other issues which determine one’s attitude and can be the causes of stress. Today, the economic crisis is just one of these stressors. The problem is that many people are not aware of the harmful effects of stress, as stress does not always happen in response to things that are over quickly. In fact, stress is a chronic syndrome. Some of the harmful effects are anxiety or panic attacks, irritability, moodiness, and even physical symptoms, such as stomach problems, headaches, chest pain, or problems with blood pressure. These symptoms can easily change one’s personality, and one may feel depressed because of them.

Consequently, it is crucial to decide whether we want to be important parts of the big machine or we want to remain individuals...