Thursday, May 7, 2009

Walk your Dog, Meet other People

There are numerous ways of getting to know other people. Walking your dog is just one simple way of them. However, it is a kind of funny one…

First of all, at fist, you do not even know the other person’s name, but you know the dog’s, you know what the dog eats, how the dog behaves, and what the dog’s favorite activity is. After a while, you know how the owner is called, but it can also happen that you meet every day, talk to each other for two at least hours, but you are still not familiar with the owner’s name. You are talking about several topics, but these topics are quite different from the ones you are talking about with your colleague. The only common thing can be the weather. However, you enjoy this informality, and you realize that you are more direct, even though, you do not know how the other person is called.

Nevertheless, this strange process may have various advantages. Firstly, it is a good way of looking for a boyfriend or a girlfriend, even if you are a shy person. The reason for this is that it is not a problem if you accost the owner of the dog your puppy is playing with. You cannot just stand in front of each other; you have to chat. So many similar situations have resulted in marriages… (Just consider 101 Dalmatians…) In addition, it is possible to become friends with somebody. Many people often realize that they are sharing their secrets with the owner of “XY.” Furthermore, you may get to know your future business partner this way.

Thus, walking your dog is not only good because it is a good way of loosing weight, but it can also be “the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

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